B2B Marketing Insights from LinkedIn and MarCom Alliance

By Slice Communications (other events)

Thursday, September 20 2018 8:30 AM 11:30 AM EST

How is your company keeping up with marketing trends for 2019? Join us for breakfast and a panel event on the latest insights on B2B digital marketing trends and what companies should be doing in 2019 with insights from LinkedIn & MarCom Alliance. 


Peter Weinberg
Global Brand Strategy Lead, LinkedIn

Cass Bailey
CEO, Slice Communications

Bill Haley
President, Allied Pixel

Gene Principato
President, The Marketing Difference

Mazda Miles
Chief Event Strategist, Perfection Events

Debra Malinics
Founder, Owner, DMA Communications

Chris Murray
Executive Vice President, BTC Marketing 

Shellie Wass
Social Media Account Manager, Slice Communications